Lab Culture: Commitment


My Commitments to Lab Members

Like so many relationships forged during a dramatic period of development, the bond between advisor and student is typically a powerful one. While you are in my lab (and as long as you wish after you leave) I am committed to your education and training and I will direct your efforts in ways that benefit you first and foremost. Your time and effort are valuable to me and I will do my utmost to help you in your work. 

I will enable you to accomplish your professional goals by supporting you financially by securing funding for research and establishing important collaborations. I will take your best interests to heart and provide honest letters of evaluation for you when you request them. I will foster a friendly and pleasant working environment, and I value the input of lab members when making important decisions (including hiring decisions). I will introduce you to those I have historically mentored or continue to mentor, as they may also serve as strong mentors to you moving forward. 

I remain devoted to supporting the continued professional development of all my lab alumni. Mentoring does not end upon leaving the laboratory and I will help former students and trainees navigate their careers and recommend opportunities to them. As you continue your career, your accomplishments honor me and enhance the network for all my trainees. I will acknowledge and reward excellent work and show constant gratitude to team members. 

Finally, I want you to have fun and to enjoy working in the lab, and I will continuously work with you to make it happen!!!